What is the exact Difference between .equals() and == with an Example?.

What is the exact Difference between .equals() and == with an Example?.

Here we can get the difference between "==" operator and ".equals()" method. the most of the interview persons expect online answer--> you can tell like this.

  1.  "==" operator meant for "Reference Comparison/ Address Comparison
  2.  ".equals()" method meant for Content Comparison.

Example For Reference Comparison and Content Comparison:


String s1= new String("Interview");
String s2= new String("Interview");
 System.out.println(s1==s2);  //line3

 what will get the output of line 3 and 4.
  • Here we have s1 and s2 are two different objects and it creates two memory locations. fig:a is the example.
  • s1 points to one location and s2 points two another location then the line 3 output is false.(reference wise s1 and s2 are not Equal)
  • (s1.equals(s2)) is comparing the contents of the object then the output of line 4 is true.even though object are different but content is same.(Content wise both are equal)
Note:if both objects are pointing to same memory address location then the output == is True.